Couple unpacking with dog

Moving Without a Truck

You’ve done it! You have finished all the hard work of scouting for a new apartment and found the place that has everything you’re looking for. You’ve signed your lease and there is only one last step to complete. Unfortunately, it is one of the toughest, because moving is never easy.

Moving is never much fun. While you weren’t looking it seems as if all of your possessions have multiplied. It also probably won’t fit in your car in just a couple of trips. Many people look into renting a moving truck for this, but sometimes you can get by without renting a truck. Here are some things to consider if you want to try going without a moving truck.

Can it be Done?

If your new apartment is your first home and you only have a few possessions you might be able to pull off moving without a truck. It also depends on how far you’re going, too. Moving across town can be done fairly easily if you can get friends and family to help. They can also be bought off with the promise of food and beer when the job is done. Moving across the state without a truck is trickier.

The amount of time you have to move is also important. If you have a few weeks you can make several small trips over time with maybe a day or two for some of the bigger items. If your time is limited, however, a truck will save on time since you can carry more in one trip as opposed to several smaller trips.

Do You Have the Equipment?

This also ties in to what you’re moving. Packing blankets, dollies, and other such things are often included in the truck, but if you don’t have access to these yourself it can be harder to move large, bulky items.

Most people also prefer moving trucks for large items such as mattresses and furniture. These are really hard to move in a standard car, but if you have friends or family with a pickup this is the best way around the bulky item question.

Can You Even Drive a Moving Truck?

Driving a large, bulky moving truck is vastly different from a regular car. It takes some getting used to and you’ll have to watch turns, overpasses, and much more. If you do choose to rent a truck you might have to pay separately for insurance, too. Your regular car insurance often will not provide coverage for moving trucks.

If these are questions you have satisfactory answers to, then have at it. A move can be done without a large moving truck and you can probably save money in the long run if you choose this option. The downside is that it can be a lot of hard work that you may not be ready to tackle. If you do choose to rent a truck after all make sure to read if the mileage is covered in the rental and how much fuel you have to leave in it as well.

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man showing apartment

Requesting a Lease Extension

Lease Extension

There are a lot of concerns if you’re moving, especially if you’re moving out of an apartment. You often have a set date in which you need to vacate the apartment due to the lease terms. Sometimes though, things do not work out as well as we would like. Because of circumstances, there are times where you may have to ask for an extension on your lease. The good news is that this is a common practice that can easily be handled.

Asking for an Extension

The best way to get an extension is to be a model tenant. Landlords are often much more flexible with tenants that have taken good care of their units and have paid their rent on time. If you can give them enough lead time and if they haven’t already lined up a new tenant they are more likely to give you an extension. You might have to pay a little extra on top of your regular monthly payment, but at least you are not scrambling for a place to stay. Just remember to be polite and ready to negotiate.

Write it Down

It is a very good idea to write a formal lease extension letter. Be sure that it includes the following:

It is a good idea to submit your letter at least two weeks before the date you need a decision. As always, the earlier, the better. By putting the request in writing it also keeps a formal record.

It is always a good idea to submit an extension request at least 30 days before the end of your lease. Some landlords may have a policy in place where they will want as many as 60 days’ warning. This allows them to set a better move-in date for their next tenant.

Relax, You’re Not the First Person To Do This

The good news is that this is a pretty common situation. Life happens. Many landlords are aware of this and they can even work in potential lease extension terms into the initial lease when it is signed. Most commonly, you’ll have to pay a pro-rated rate during the time of the extension. The important thing to remember is to be polite, submit your request as early as possible, and take good care of your place. This will greatly increase your chances of getting a lease extension.

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What You Need in Your First Apartment

first apartment

What You Need in Your First Apartment

Getting your first apartment is exciting. It is like being handed a blank canvas because you now have a space you can make your own. There are certain essentials that you need to make your new apartment truly a home. Some of these are no-brainers, but others are things you may have not thought of. Here are some helpful tips for when you’re getting set up in your first apartment.

Your Mail Situation

Is there a community mailroom or do you have a front door slot? If you have large packages is there a main office area where they are stored if you’re away when they arrive? Many apartment owners who don’t want packages left outside their doors elect to set up a P.O. Box at their local post office. You can contact the local post office about setting one of these up, and many offices allow access to them 24 hours a day.


Some apartments include utilities as part of their rent, but most of the time your electricity, water, phone, cable, and more need to be set up in your name. You will have to make sure you contact the service providers before you move in, so everything is ready to go on move-in day. Your landlord can likely help you get in contact with the service providers, but some like cable and internet will likely need to schedule an installation time.

Get Furniture

You’ll need some essentials like a bed, a table, chairs, etc., but be sure to take measurements before going on a shopping spree. This goes beyond measuring each room, too. Be sure to measure the doorway and hallways so you can physically get your new furniture into the home. If you’re looking to save a bit of money be sure to check out consignment stores or donation shops.

Invest in a Set of Tools

Getting a good set of tools for your first home is definitely essential. You can always use a screwdriver, wrench or socket set for any number of things. Many stores offer tool sets with virtually everything you could ever need for $30-40 and they often come in a convenient carrying case as well. This keeps things organized and mobile at the same time.

Change Your Address

If you’re already at the post office to set up a P.O. Box you can also request a change of address form. This will make sure that your mail is forwarded when you’re ready. As a bonus, most of these packets come with coupons that will help you in your move. You’ll still need to contact your bank and anywhere else that needs a formal change of address notification, but changing your address with the post office will forward your mail in the meantime.

Finally, Explore the Area

Your new apartment brings you a whole new world. Be sure to take time and explore the area for shops, restaurants, parks, and more. Get to know what is around you so you can fully acclimate yourself to the area.

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keto diet graphic

What is the Keto Diet?

What is the Keto Diet?

It’s all the rage these days: the ketogenic, or “keto,” diet. It tells you the ideal diet is the opposite of the food pyramid, which makes grain and carbohydrates the staple of a healthy diet. According to the Harvard Medical School blog, the “ketogenic diet is not something new. In medicine, we have been using it for almost 100 years to treat drug-resistant epilepsy, especially in children.” Continuing, the Harvard blog explains the diet succinctly:

“In essence, it is a diet that causes the body to release ketones into the bloodstream. Most cells prefer to use blood sugar, which comes from carbohydrates, as the body’s main source of energy. In the absence of circulating blood sugar from food, we start breaking down stored fat into molecules called ketone bodies (the process is called ketosis). Once you reach ketosis, most cells will use ketone bodies to generate energy until we start eating carbohydrates again. The shift, from using circulating glucose to breaking down stored fat as a source of energy, usually happens over two to four days of eating fewer than 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.”

Because this diet moves away from carbs, each meal contains more fats and proteins than a typical meal. There is, of course, no restriction on vegetables with this diet, but it is emphasized that the main source of energy come from fats rather than carbs. That’s what sets the ketogenic diet apart. As a result, people on this diet utilize oils to cook foods more regularly. And Dr. Cate Shanahan, a biochemist from John Hopkins University, provides a useful list of good and bad oils to use for cooking.

So is the ketogenic diet good? Dr. Eric Westman, director of the Lifestyle Medicine Clinic at Duke University, is summarized by Time Magazine as reporting it “can help reduce appetite, spur weight loss and improve markers of heart disease.” Dr. Westman’s studies also suggests that “a ketogenic diet can help treat obesity, type-2 diabetes and fatty liver disease.”

The main risk with the keto diet is confusing good fats with bad fats, and eating too much processed foods, which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. As with any change of diet, you will want to approach with caution, consult with your doctor, and thoroughly research the keto diet if you plan to jump on the bandwagon.

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be smart eat smart graphic

Why You Should Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Why You Should Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

The importance of eating enough fruits and vegetables in your diet cannot be overstated. Sure, fruits may be sworn off by the most fervent No Sugar No Grain (NSNG) dieter, but the sugars in fruits are not exactly like processed sugars in candy bars. The NSNG crowd is not all wrong however, as there is some cause for concern for all kinds of sugar in our ultra-processed food ecosystem. Studies suggest you should avoid dried fruit as they contain more sugar with less nutrients. And smoothies and fruit juices should also be avoided, as they do not provide the benefits of an actual fruit but are densely packed with sugars.

According to NPR,

“There are lots of kinds of sugar. Fruits have fructose, glucose and a combination of the two called “sucrose,” or “table sugar.” But the sugars in fruit are packed less densely than in a candy bar, according to Elvira Isganaitis, a pediatric endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center and a Harvard Medical School instructor.”

So it is better to eat a whole piece of fruit, as it contains fiber (providing the feeling of satiation after you eat) and other healthy nutrients and minerals. But, unfortunately, most Americans are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Here’s why they should.

The Harvard School of Public Health, a fantastic resource for all things dietary, published a general list of benefits associated with increased intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These include:

  • Reduce risk of heart disease and stroke;
  • Prevent cancer;
  • Promotes healthy eyes.

And, helpfully, The Huffington Post, summarizes more extensively the relevant literature on the benefits of both:


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, and part of the Brassica family, which also includes kale, collards, cabbage, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, turnips, and cauliflower. Members of the Brassica family are rich in phytochemicals, known to have antioxidant properties. Broccoli is a true nutrition powerhouse: It is chock full of vitamin C, the mineral calcium, fiber, and vitamin A. It is also rich in sulforaphane, a health-promoting compound that can fight cancer.

Carrots are a good source of fiber, which helps to maintain bowel health, lower blood cholesterol, and aid in weight maintenance. The orange pigment found in carrots are due to the antioxidant beta-carotene, also found in other deep orange foods such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin, butternut squash, papaya, and cantaloupe. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body and helps to maintain healthy eyes, support your immune system, keep your skin healthy, and protect against certain cancers.

Spinach is available year-round in grocery stores around the country, offering a readily-available source of many vitamins and minerals. Spinach contains the minerals iron and potassium, as well as vitamins A, K, C, and the B-vitamin folate. Spinach also contains phytochemicals that may boost your immune system and flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties that may be preventative against certain cancers.

Sweet Potatoes are rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene and are also full of fiber, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, and the mineral potassium. They are especially nutritious when eaten with the skin on, and contrary to a popular dieting myth, they are not fattening!

Beets contain healthy doses of iron, the B-vitamin folate, and fiber. Red beets offer betacyanin, a plant pigment which may protect against colon cancer.


Cantaloupe. This member of the melon family is rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene, a plant-based vitamin A precursor that helps with eye health, among other conditions. It is also rich in the mineral potassium, which may help lower blood pressure and the risk for stroke. And, it is terrific if you are watching your waist — a one-cup serving contains a mere 50 calories.

Watermelon, which is especially terrific this time of year, offers a juicy, sweet taste and a high water content, while packing in the antioxidants lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, and the minerals potassium and magnesium.

Citrus fruits, including oranges and grapefruits, provide a significant source of vitamin C, folate, and potassium, as well as fiber. Pink grapefruits are particularly rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Eating these fruits whole yields more nutrients than drinking the juice.

Avocados are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which may help raise levels of HDL (good cholesterol) while lowering LDL (bad cholesterol). They are also high in the antioxidant vitamin E.

Grapes. Consuming grapes may reduce the risk of blood clots, lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), and prevent damage to the heart’s blood vessels, aiding in the maintenance of healthy blood pressure. Antioxidants called flavonoids may even increase HDL cholesterol (the good kind). The resveratrol found in the skins of red grapes may interfere with cancer development. Eating the whole fruit instead of consuming the juice contains the added benefit of fiber.

Kiwifruit, with its brilliant green inside, is packed with vitamin C and fiber.

As you can see, fruits and vegetables contain an absurd amount of vitamins and minerals. So much so that new guidelines suggest half of your plate should be split between servings of fruits and vegetables. Next time you’re in the grocery store, don’t leave out what could be the most important part of a balanced, healthy diet: eat more fruits and vegetables for a healthier life.

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dog with Christmas lights

4 Tips for Cleaning Pet Hair from Carpeting

4 Tips for Cleaning Pet Hair from Carpeting

It’s the one thing that annoys pet owners the most: the fur that spreads on every piece of furniture, every inch of carpet, like a disease. Some people refrain from wearing dark clothes in general because their pet’s fur somehow lingers on clothing surfaces despite multiple tumbles in the dryer. What are pet owners to do? Luckily, these four easy tips can help you both prevent and clean pet hair, no matter your carpet.

Vacuuming is a given. Although you should at least vacuum your carpet three times a week to remove most pet hair, Home Guides provides a useful technique for gathering up all the hair into clumps, like leaves. To make vacuuming easier, they suggest, “raking your carpet with a rubber-bristled carpet rake collects the pet hair in clumps, so you can remove the hair by hand before vacuuming.” adds another step to this process: if you powder baking soda over your carpet before you vacuum, it can help loosen up the fur, making the cleaning process much easier.

Similarly, News Press Now explains that some pet owners purchase pet beds for the sole purpose of limiting pet fur to a certain section of the apartment. If you get your pet a large enough bed, or a flat pillow, all you’ll have to do is take it outside every once in a while and shake it out to prevent pet hair from spreading all over the carpet and furniture. Rugs can also act as a catch-all for pet fur. Carpet Keepers Inc points to this role when they write that if you place a rug along your pet’s high-traffic area, it can both catch whatever dirt is on its paws and also the fur that falls off it when it moves.

Just remember, rubbery tools like rubber rakes and gloves can help you collect pet fur from the carpet, and catch-alls like beds and rugs can help prevent fur from spreading. Although there are no perfect solutions to cleaning pet hair from carpeting, these four tips will make pet shedding somewhat beside the point, and the pet hair a little less annoying.

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man showing apartment

Apartment Hunting: What Do Renters Look For in a Property?

Apartment Hunting

Apartment Hunting: What Do Renters Look For in a Property?

When prospective tenants are looking for while apartment hunting there are many things they look for. This goes beyond the usual square footage and amenities questions. They want a location that is convenient to their work. They want good schools nearby if they have children. It is a competitive environment for landlords, but even tenants want to know what renters are looking for.

Here are some examples of what renters want while apartment hunting.

Location is Key

As mentioned above, location is critical for tenants. It goes beyond just a location near work, however. They want to be located close to shopping, grocery stores, and more. If a property is close to everything a prospective wants they might be willing to pay a little more for rent. Of course, everyone’s tastes are different. What one person desires in a place another person may want something different.


If you own a home you want to make sure it is safe and secure. If you’re renting, the landlord is responsible for maintaining a secure environment. Many landlords may look into having an alarm service or extra security on the property. Most tenants will look into nearby crime statistics too before signing a lease.

Condition of the Apartment

Moving is already a large hassle. If a tenant is looking to move into a unit that needs repairs they might look at another place that is more move-in ready. Appearance is everything. When a prospective tenant arrives, they want to make sure they have a property that looks like they could move in immediately. This is also where the age of the property factors in. An updated and renovated property definitely appeals to prospective tenants.

Outdoor Spaces and Amenities

One of the downsides to renting an apartment is that you don’t have your own yard, but outdoor community spaces are an important draw for many renters. Does a property have a playground on site? Are there areas for cookouts? Is there a basketball court? These are all things that can help attract renters. Having a wide variety of community amenities is important in this day and age. It makes a property have a sense of community and residents are encouraged to interact with their neighbors.

A Good Tenant-Landlord Relationship

A good tenant-landlord relationship is not something that is established in a day. It is built over time through trust and respect. If a landlord makes promises like renovations or upgrades the tenant should expect them to be fulfilled. As long as the landlord fulfills his or her promises, the tenant is usually happy. Happy tenants become tenants that renew leases and stay longer.

Finding a new apartment is a process. When tenants and landlords have a good relationship and a tenant finds what they are looking for in a place that process can go much more smoothly.

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smart thermostat

How to Lower Your Heating Bill in Winter

heating bill

How to Lower Your Heating Bill in Winter

Apartment living comes with many perks, but utilities are often still part of the cost of living. In the summer that can mean higher electric bills when it comes to cooling, and in the winter that often means a higher heating bill. When winter’s chill sets in it can start to get expensive. It seems like the heater is always running, and that means costs are rising. There are ways you can save on your heating bill, however, even in the middle of winter.

Keep the Thermostat Low

This is one easy way to lower your heating bill. While you may not be able to install a power saving programmable thermostat like a NEST, keeping the heat lower helps save a few coins. Most experts recommend keeping the thermostat between 62 and 68 degrees in winter. That maintains a comfortable temperature and you can often make up the difference with blankets and sweatshirts.

Monitor Your Hot Water Usage

The hot water heater in your apartment is also a major user of electricity, and when it is cold out few things feel better than a long, hot shower. If you have a dishwasher in your apartment this also is a major user of electricity. Try to run it only when it is full and not for just a handful of dishes. This conserves both electricity and hot water.

Install LED Light Bulbs

Energy efficient bulbs may cost a little more up front, but they save money in the long run with how much energy they save. LED bulbs use a fraction of the energy that conventional bulbs use, and even when you put up your Christmas lights most newer light strands are energy saving LED lights.

Plastic Window Sheeting

This one may seem simple, but most hardware stores and even regular retailers sell window sheeting plastic that can got over windows and be easily removed. This type of sheeting helps to seal out drafts and helps your heater work more efficiently. Since they go up with a special dual-sided tape they are also easy to remove when spring comes.

Saving money on your electric bill is not hard. It only takes a little bit of work. With some simple tips like are outlined above you can make sure that your apartment stays warms and you have some extra money in your apartment.


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Things to Stock in Your First Apartment Kitchen

First apartment kitchen

Things to Stock in Your First Apartment Kitchen

You’ve done it! You’ve moved out on your own for the first time and you have your first apartment. It can be a daunting experience because of any number of reasons, especially after you move in. Now that you have all of your things in the apartment it is time to start making it a home. A great place to start is the kitchen.

The thing is, you may not know what you need in your new kitchen. Here are a few ideas for what you need in your first kitchen to make many great meals.

Boning Knife

Every kitchen needs a good knife that is also versatile. A mid-sized boning knife can serve many purposes. It can slice and dice fruits and vegetables as well as meat. Boning knives can serve a variety of purposes across many food groups. They are a great prep tool for any meal. If you want to save space by having just one knife this is the choice to go with.


The saucepan is the do-everything utensil in every kitchen. The common size is three-quarts, but going with a five-quart saucepan can also work. These pans can be used soups, sauces, hot cocoa, or even a frying pan if needed. As long as they have oven-safe handles you can even use them for roasts and more.

Measuring Cups

These are essential devices for almost any time of cooking, but especially for baking. Stainless steel measuring cups are the best choice. If you select plastic cups they can break easily, while stainless steel cups are durable and can even last in the dishwasher.

Mixing Bowl

When it comes to mixing bowls, the larger, the better. It is easier to use a large mixing bowl for small tasks than a small mixing bowl for large tasks. If cost or space is an issue a large mixing bowl is the way to go because it is one tool for many purposes. If you can get a tempered glass bowl it will be even more durable.


Rubber spatulas are hygienic and they last longer than a traditional wooden spoon. They also work well with hot saucepans. Their flexibility allows you to scrape ingredients out of bowls so nothing goes to waste.

These are just five tools, but they are great for stocking your kitchen and getting life in your new apartment off to a great start.

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living room

What to Do During an Apartment Visit

Apartment visit

What to Do During an Apartment Visit

You might have a great idea of what you’re looking for in a new apartment, but finding a great place can still be tricky. There are a lot of different factors to consider from pricing to amenities. It can be an overwhelming experience for sure. Here are some tips on what you should do during an apartment visit.

Take Notes

Taking notes is the most important thing you can do. Nothing is too small to miss as a note. Without notes, you can forget small details that might become major issues later on after you have already signed a lease. You can also take note of small things like the exterior grounds and how well the property is maintained. This will give you an idea of how well maintenance works around the property.

You should also take note of how friendly the staff is. These are the people you’ll be speaking with whenever you have an issue, so if they are friendly and accommodating that is a good start. If you can, try to talk to any current residents of the property. Their experience can say a lot about the property.

The Unit Itself

Visiting the apartment itself is a critical step in the process. If you notice broken items or a strange smell it can immediately turn you off to the space. Remember, the rental agent is making a first impression too. Be sure to ask to see an empty unit and not just the model. It gives you a better idea of how each unit is maintained by the staff.

Take Pictures

In this case a picture is definitely worth a thousand words. Taking pictures allows you to keep a visual record of the place and keeps it fresh in your mind. If you’re visiting multiple places take a picture of the sign first so you can keep each property’s pictures grouped together.

Stick With a Checklist

Always be sure to have a checklist of what you’re looking for in a new home. If a complex with a pool is important to you then keep it on your checklist. If you want a ground floor apartment don’t settle for a third floor walk-up. By sticking to your checklist you’ll have a much happier experience in the end.

Yes, apartment hunting takes time, but it can be easier by making sure you get what you want and by taking notes of where you visit. It can also help you nab the apartment you want quickly before anyone else gets it.


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